
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Simple Acne Prevention Tips From Leading Dermatologists

Acne is a problem faced by many people, both teenagers and adults, and it can be both painful and embarrassing. Fortunately, though, it is also a problem that can be fixed. By following the simple advice below, you can eliminate your acne and save yourself from struggling further with this frustrating condition. To help keep your acne under control, make sure you're getting enough sleep each night. Getting lots of sleep is good for your skin, as it allows it to heal. It is also great for your general health, which will, in turn, mean your body is under less stress, which can also improve your skin.
TIP! If you are suffering from acne, make sure to limit your time in the sun. Sun exposure actually makes acne worse.
When you have a acne problem you should limit the amount of cosmetics you use on your skin. If you do decide to wear cosmetics make sure that it is completely removed from your skin by the time you go to bed. This ensures that your skin can breathe and your pores do not clog. If you suffer from chronic, long-term acne, your diet may be to blame. An over-abundance of sugar especially is linked with acne. Also effective in treating and reducing the occurrence of acting is the elimination of other simple carbohydrates, such as bread, and high-fat dairy products from your diet. For more extreme cases of acne infection the sufferer should consult a dermatologist. It might seem excessive to call in a medical expert for mere pimple problems, but the very expertise a dermatologist brings to an acne sufferer is immensely effective. A trained dermatologist will be able to diagnose the precise causes of acne and prescribe the most powerful medications to fight it.
TIP! If you drink water often, try to add a few drops of lemon to your drink. Lemon acts as a powerful antioxidant, to help heal the internal components of your body that are contributing to acne.
Your hormones can cause your acne. This can be especially true if you're a teen. This is the body's way of letting you know that it is going through constant chemical changes. Many teens do grow out of this phase once they are past puberty though. However, if you're older, this can last for years and be caused by hormonal issues. It may be wise to seek a physician or dermatologist for advice. A paste of nutmeg and milk makes an effective treatment for acne. Combine ground nutmeg with some room temperature milk until it forms a paste. Apply this to the areas affected by acne and leave it on overnight. Often the acne will disappear quickly and without leaving unsightly marks on your face. For an inexpensive, natural way to help with acne problems, check out what witch hazel can do for you. It contains antioxidant and astringent properties that are effective against acne. Used as an astringent, it is gentle and does not dry out the skin as many other acne medications do. As these tips show, there is an alternative to living with an acne problem or hoping you'll outgrow it over time. At the same time, getting rid of your acne doesn't have to be costly or complicated. When you apply the advice given above, you will soon begin to see your acne disappear.

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