
Monday, July 1, 2013

Is Acne Taking Over Your Life? Try These Tips Today!

Acne can be a hereditary condition that occurs during the teen years but sometimes lingers on through adulthood. Normal cases respond to face cleansing regimens and a topical medicine but more severe cases should go to the doctor to get an examination and prescription medication. This article can help you to understand why acne occurs and what you can do about it. Acne in teenagers can lead to depression. Encourage healthy habits, hair should be pulled back from the face or a very short cut is recommended. If acne is very painful and severe, medical attention will be required. Most acne is not life threatening, even though a big deal can be made over a pimple!
TIP! Before spending excessive amounts of money on commercial acne treatments, consider trying a natural alternative such as witch hazel. It works by reducing oil that clogs the pores of the skin and leads to pimples.
Try an oatmeal mask. Oatmeal can be a great way to treat acne because it is a natural exfoliator and calms inflammation. Cook it like you normally would, then mix it with honey. Apply to your face and let it sit for about 20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water. You should try to apply a piece of watermelon or water mixed with lemon and honey to your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. You will see a noticeable different in your skin immediately. This will also prevent future acne problems with your skin. Retinoid prescription creams can reduce your acne by unplugging follicles. They also help with wrinkles and exfoliate your skin. Retinoids, which include retinol, retinal and tretinoin (Retin-A), are chemically similar to vitamin A. Side effects include skin irritation. Retinoids should not be used by women who breastfeed, are pregnant or may become pregnant.
TIP! Oral antibiotics such as tetracycline, minocin, doxycycline and erythromycin are used when acne includes many cystic lesions and/or inflammatory papules. The medications are often taken at regular intervals for about three months, depending on the patient, before they are tapered off.
To help you avoid exacerbating your acne problems, avoid trying to squeeze the pus out of your acne. Trying to squeeze the pus from your acne will irritate your acne and the area around it, which will then increase the redness and prominence of your acne. In addition, the bacteria on your hands can make your acne even worse. Talk to your doctor about pros and cons of ingesting acne medications that are on the market in pill form. Some of these medications have serious side effects that are not worth having just to get rid of acne. In fact, get a second or third opinion. There is no magic pill to cure acne. Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest, cheapest, and most natural ways to help improve your skin and prevent the buildup of acne. Water detoxifies your body naturally, while aiding in keeping skin cells free and pores unclogged. If you are tired of drinking water alone, add some fruit or vegetable juice for the added advantage of vitamins and fiber. As detailed earlier, acne can be a mild, passing condition or it can have longer lasting effects. If you have any concerns about acne, you should consult a doctor, who can help you decide on the best course of treatment. By using the advice in this article, you can hope to clear up and manage acne.

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