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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Techniques That Will Take Your Acne Care Regimen To The Next Level

Acne does not only affect teenagers, but adults as well. The following piece is a great start for anyone interested in learning about why acne occurs and what can be done to eradicate it. By educating yourself about the causes and treatments of acne, you will suffer less from its effects. Who would have thought you could get acne from a cell phone? Cell phones hold onto the oils that are on your face and your hair and then put them back on your face. Clean your phone by swiping it with a cotton ball that has been dampened with rubbing alcohol. Do not let your phone touch your face. You might want to scratch yourself or pick at pimples, but doing so can make things worse because you are adding more oils and dirt to your face. Your pores will absorb all the oils on your fingers and cause further blemishes.
TIP! Try wearing water based make-up or no makeup at all to eliminate acne. Make-up can exacerbate your break-outs by clogging your pores.
You may be tempted at times, but avoid touching or scratching your face if you suffer from acne. Your hands are dirty and oily, and you do not want to transfer that to your face. The dirt gets trapped in pores and inflammation ensues. Try to avoid overly stressful situations as much as you can. Feeling stress will not cause acne, will make your acne even worse. Products containing salicylic acid are very effective at treating acne. Combined with other ingredients, such as beta hydroxyl, it will help the skin shed cells rapidly.
TIP! Be sure that you are not mixing acne treatments. Some people get overzealous about their acne treatment efforts and use every lotion and cream they can find.
Find a nearby pool and swim as often as possible, especially if it's indoors! The beauty of going for a swim is that you get both exercise and stress relief, both of which can help your acne. Also, chlorine can be very soothing for your body and may reduce the bumps that you get from acne. While no method is 100 percent guaranteed to work, there are many different things that you can do to prevent acne breakouts. Properly protect your face when you use hair products, such as hair gel or hair spray. These products contain a lot of oil which, if it gets on your skin, can aggravate your acne. Acne is affected by your organs. So, manage to take care of your precious organs! If you have awesome organs, your acne will go away!
TIP! Stick to a continuous face-cleansing regimen in order to banish acne, or keep it to a minimum. Take the time to keep your skin clean.
Remember that acne is no longer a teenage problem. It can affect adults as well and is common in quite a few people. As shown in this article, to control your acne you need to implement a daily skin care routine and a treatment plan for occasional outbreaks.

other concerned:
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